C3 Kids

We want to see every child develop their own relationship with Jesus and love the journey along the way.


Junior High Grades 6-8 | Senior High Grades 9 -12 | Sundays | Downtown (10:00 AM) & Midtown (11:15 AM)

Looking for a place where your teen can connect with friends, explore their faith, and discover their potential?

Junior High
Join the youth leads for a breakout session filled with energy, connection, and awesomeness.

Senior High
Meet together pre-service at the youth spot to engage in service together. Look out for youth nights starting in OCT

HAMILTON YOUTH - stay tuned AND sign up for more information.

C3 Youth is the place to be on Sundays! We take your child's safety and security seriously. Fill out the form below to pre-register.


Baptism is an outward testimony of the inward change in your life. It declares your faith, shares in Christ’s burial and resurrection, symbolizes death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ and commitment to the local church! Thinking about taking your next step?